About Me

Family Photo
Photo Credit: Ally Keeter Photography (Click the photo for her Facebook page!)

Hey there, I’m Khristian!

A little about me…I love to cook.

The End.   

What if that was my whole “about me” section? You come here thinking you’re going to get this heartfelt look into my soul, and I slam down that line? Probably not a great way to start my blog. Butttt…I, of course, have more than one line to say. Why else would I have a blog dedicated to my favorite subject? Food.

A little about me (for real this time) …I’m a wife, a mom, and I’m a lover of great food and coffee! My husband and I have a beautiful and spunky baby girl who keeps us on our toes. As life gets more hectic, the feeling of needing more connection is…craveable to say the least. Dinner time, specifically, has become that for us! It’s a way for us to enjoy each other while also enjoying a great meal…plus I get an excuse to test a recipe on my husband! Who can be quite the picky eater…or opinionated eater? I feel like if I can win him over with my recipes, then my cooking isn’t half bad.

I love traditional and classic recipes. Something that I love even MORE though is putting my own creative flare on those recipes. Which leads me to my new project: starting a food blog! I have recipe after recipe written on sticky notes, notebook pages, scrap paper…you name it. Not only is this a way for me to share my recipes, but it’s a way to organize them and connect with other food lovers. Cooking and baking are my love languages. I could seriously talk about food all day and still have things to say.

Throughout my blog you will find all the recipes that have become staples in our household and a delicious assortment of my take on traditional and classic recipes. So…settle in and grab a fork!

Want to collaborate about food or life? Shoot me a message!